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A class with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/Disposition

MetadataThis section provides information about 'Disposition' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionA potential whose realization is dependent on an object's structure.
primitiveRationaleMaking the notion of "dependence on an object's structure" fully precise is beyond the scope of IDO.
See alsohasDisposition
ExampleThe disposition of a steel bar to corrode, the disposition of a gasket to leak. The disposition to overflow a memory buffer.
scopeNoteAn object may not lose a disposition without undergoing physical change.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'Disposition' shall satisfy.

ContextThis section provides super- and subtypes as well as members of 'Disposition'.