PCA Reference Data and Services
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A class with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/Site

MetadataThis section provides information about 'Site' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionA location determined in relation to one or more physical objects.
primitiveRationaleA comprehensive definition of the notion of demarcation is beyond the scope of IDO.
usageNoteThe utility of a 'site' may be represented by assigning one or more 'role's, such as 'front desk role', 'storage space role', or 'entryway role'.
CommentThis class is inspired by the BFO class 'site'.
See alsoISO 15926-2:2003 'spatial_location', 'region_in_space'
ExampleA flight deck, the inside of a manifold, the hold of a ship, a centre of gravity, an outside area
scopeNoteLocations such as countries and cities are also considered sites.
The position of a 'site' follows the position of the 'physical object' by which it is demarcated.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'Site' shall satisfy.

ContextThis section provides super- and subtypes as well as members of 'Site'.