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An object property with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/hasActiveParticipant

MetadataThis section provides information about 'hasActiveParticipant' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionIf x 'has active participant' y, then x is an active participant in y.
primitiveRationaleThe distinction between active and participation participation is primitive.
usageNoteWith OWL property chains, the right kind of participation can be secured for activities that count as realizations of 'potential' individuals. As in, a pump's primary function is realized in pumping activities, but only provided the pump is actually doing the pumping, acting as an "agent" or "subject".
See alsoactiveParticipantIn
ExampleA hammer is the tool in a nail-driving activity, a pressure transmitter outputs data in a monitoring activity, a maintenance engineer replaces an instrument in a repair activity, a light sensor controls the level of illumination.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'hasActiveParticipant' shall satisfy.

Disjoint withnone

ContextThis section provides super- and subproperties as well as members of 'hasActiveParticipant'.