An object property with identifier
Source ontology | Industrial Data Ontology |
isPrimitive | true |
naturalLanguageDefinition | If x 'has participant' y, then x is an 'activity', and y is an 'object' that participates in x. |
primitiveRationale | The notion of participation is primitive. |
usageNote | A property chain axiom secures that when an activity has a 'profile quantity datum', the bearer of the quantity is a participant in the activity. |
A property chain axiom secures that when a realizable (a 'disposition' or 'role') is 'realized in' an activity, the activity has the bearer as a participant. | |
Comment | A property chain axiom secures that a participant in part of an activity participates in the activity as a whole. |
See also | ISO 15926-2:2003 'participation' |
obo:RO_0000057 | |
lis:participatesIn | |
obo:BFO_0000057 | |
Example | A pump participates in (a) pumping (activity), an electric transformer participates in voltage conversion, a stream of water participates in dilution, a bolt participates in a connection. |
InverseOf | participantIn |
Disjoint with | none |
Domain | Activity |
Range | Object |