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An object property with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/hasParticipantQualityQuantifiedAs

MetadataThis section provides information about 'hasParticipantQualityQuantifiedAs' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionIf x 'has participant quality quantified as' y, then x is an 'activity', y is a 'quality datum', and at a time within (inclusive) the duration of x, y 'quantifies quality' a 'quality' of a participant in x.
primitiveRationaleThe notion of "during" used here goes beyond OWL expressivity.
usageNoteThis relation is suitable as the top node in a taxonomy of relations that assign aggregate datums to activities.
See alsoquantifiesQualityOfParticipantIn
ExamplePressure of a stream during a pumping activity, the voltage provided to a motor during a test run.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'hasParticipantQualityQuantifiedAs' shall satisfy.

Disjoint withnone

ContextThis section provides super- and subproperties as well as members of 'hasParticipantQualityQuantifiedAs'.