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An object property with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/realizedIn

MetadataThis section provides information about 'realizedIn' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionIf x is 'realized in' y, then x is a 'potential', and y is an 'activity' that successfully realizes x.
primitiveRationaleA full account of the notion of "successfully realizes" is beyond the scope of IDO. It depends on an account of "success", in that failed activities will not be realizations, and on the bearer of the potential participating in the realizing activity in the right way.
See alsoobo:BFO_0000054
ExampleA pump realizes its function in a pumping (activity), a bolt realizes its function in a connection, a software monitoring application realizes its function in streaming sensor data.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'realizedIn' shall satisfy.

Disjoint withnone

ContextThis section provides super- and subproperties as well as members of 'realizedIn'.