Process hazop close-out reportA class with identifier section provides information about 'PCA_100006394' itself.Source ontologynorsok-z001CommentAll answers shall be collected in a close-out report.NORSOK Z-001 rationaleIndividual close-out answer for each finding/recommendation from the HAZOP session(s) shall be issued.NORSOK Z-001 interests stakeholder categoryprocess engineeringNORSOK Z-001 describes structural elementBallast waterOil storageOpen drainRiser and well topsideWellstream pipelineSubsea installation - maintenance and work overCooling mediumJet fuelLubrication oilGas compression and re-injectionLoadingGas export and meteringGas sweeteningGas treatmentClosed drainWell and riser subseaChemical injection pipelineSewage treatmentMethanol injectionChlorinationFuel gasFresh waterCrude handling and meteringSteamDrilling processGlycol / methanol regenerationHydraulic powerFire waterGas conditioningCondensate export lineGas export pipelineDrilling drainCompressed airDrilling control and monitoringGas injection pipelineSeparation and stabilisationHeating mediumInjection water pipelineInert gasFlareOily waterDrillingDrilling well controlEmergency shutdown and blow downThruster and propulsionDiesel oilWater injectionOil export lineSea waterChemical injectionNORSOK Z-001 definitionAll answers shall be collected in a close-out report.skos:broadMatchinstructive informationexplanatory technical informationskos:broaderReportConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'PCA_100006394' shall satisfy.ContextThis section provides super- and subtypes as well as members of 'PCA_100006394'. SuperClassesDocument SubClasses Disjoint Classes Members