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A class with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/lis14/rdl/Quality

MetadataThis section provides information about 'Quality' itself.

Source ontologyIndustrial Data Ontology
naturalLanguageDefinitionA dependent entity that is present any time its bearer exists.
primitiveRationaleQualities cover a broad range of what is commonly referred to as "properties". It is beyond the scope of IDO to precisely determine what should be included.
usageNoteQualities are in general subject to change over the lifetime of the bearer. The main IDO device for representing quality changes is through 'datum' individuals: see lis:qualityQuantifiedAs.
Qualities should only be used for root properties such as voltage, pressure, etc. Where there are variants such as nominal, rated, actual voltage, modellers should use lis:Quality for voltage and use a subclass of lis:QualityDatum for the moderator ("nominal", etc.)
CommentThe class Quality and its subclass PhysicalQuantity are inspired by corresponding classes included in the DOLCE and BFO upper ontologies.
See alsoISO 15926-2:2003 'property'
ExampleThe temperature of a fluid stream, the tensile strength of a bolt, the length of a pipeline, the colour of a surface coating, the familiarity of a specialist with a modification procedure, the quality of a window of being open or closed.

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'Quality' shall satisfy.

ContextThis section provides super- and subtypes as well as members of 'Quality'.