PCA Reference Data and Services
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Consequence analysis logic solver

A class with identifier http://rds.posccaesar.org/ontology/plm/rdl/PCA_100006133

MetadataThis section provides information about 'PCA_100006133' itself.

Source ontologynorsok-z001
CommentDescription of consequences of switching off the logic solver, including both hardwired signals and software communicated signals, and suggestion to operational mitigating actions to avoid the consequences described to avoid further loss of plant operation covering both switching off and start-up. The document shall describe the general precautions and consequences and describe in detail signals found to be critical (regularity, safety and environmental) and the effect on these signals after switching off the logic solver.
NORSOK Z-001 rationaleThere shall be a consequence analysis document for each individual logic solver.

This document shall give information about which process unit is affected if the logic solver is switched off.

NORSOK Z-001 interests stakeholder categoryinstrumentation engineering
NORSOK Z-001 describes structural elementFire and gas detection
Emergency shutdown and blow down
NORSOK Z-001 definitionDescription of consequences of switching off the logic solver, including both hardwired signals and software communicated signals, and suggestion to operational mitigating actions to avoid the consequences described to avoid further loss of plant operation covering both switching off and start-up. The document shall describe the general precautions and consequences and describe in detail signals found to be critical (regularity, safety and environmental) and the effect on these signals after switching off the logic solver.
skos:broadMatchfunction describing information

ConstraintsThis section lists constraints that members of 'PCA_100006133' shall satisfy.

ContextThis section provides super- and subtypes as well as members of 'PCA_100006133'.