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Tabular content (UoM)

1 Introduction

This page describes some typical SPARQL queries over the Unit of Measure ontology module. Any SELECT query will return a table of results.

Visit the Fuseki page to experiment with these queries yourself!

Like most SPARQL servers, Fuseki can provide tabular results as plain text in CSV and TSV format (filetypes text/csv and text/tab-separated-values), as well as JSON (filetype application/sparql-results+json) and XML (filetype application/sparql-results+xml).

2 Simple SELECT queries

2.1 Units of measure – getting started

To get started, we request a list of units of measure, retrieving for each of them the identifier of the resource in the ontology, which will be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and its name, which will be a string. Names are, as is common practice, assigned using the rdfs:label RDF property.

In the UoM ontology, a unit of measure is a member of the ISO 15926-14 class lis:Scale, so this is what we’ll query for.

Writing lis:Scale is a convenient abbreviation for The string lis: is called a prefix, and a prefixed URI like lis:Scale is sometimes called a “puri” (see here).

The following query specifies no sort order, so the particular list of results is likely to vary between runs – we are only asking for an arbitrary five.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?uom ?uom_label {
  ?uom a lis:Scale ; rdfs:label ?uom_label
limit 5
On this page, we will use prefixed URIs to prevent long identifiers from making the result tables hard to read. Use the tabs below to compare the two; the following examples will only have the abbreviated form.

2.2 Units of measure – filtering by name

To find a selection of units, we can apply a filter. This query uses the SPARQL regex function to select only those units where the string “metre” appears in the name. We apply alphabetical order to the output table, with an order by clause.

Note the use of a in ?uom a lis:Scale, which simply is a built-in shorthand for rdf:type.
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?uom ?uom_label {
  ?uom a lis:Scale ; rdfs:label ?uom_label
  filter( regex( ?uom_label, "metre" ))
order by ?uom_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003664cubic decimetre
rdl:PCA_100003665cubic metre
rdl:PCA_100003666cubic metre per second

2.3 Quantities – filtering by name

In the UoM ontology, a quantity, such as density or volume, is a subclass of the ISO 15926-14 class lis:PhysicalQuantity. The following query is very similar to the previous one, but uses rdfs:subClassOf instead of rdf:type.

This query has a slightly more sophisticated filter, using || to allow quantities with “density” or “volume” in the name.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?quantity ?quantity_label {
  ?quantity rdfs:subClassOf lis:PhysicalQuantity ; rdfs:label ?quantity_label
  filter( regex( ?quantity_label, "density" ) || regex( ?quantity_label, "volume" ) )
order by ?quantity_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003569current density
rdl:PCA_100003588magnetic flux density
rdl:PCA_100003606volumetric flow rate

2.4 Quantities – default units of measure

Many (but not all) quantities in the UoM ontology have a default unit of measure assigned to them. The following query retrieves quantities together with default units.

Note the use in the query of rdl:PCA_100000510, which is the identifier for the default unit of measure relation (an OWL annotation property). We need to use this uninformative identifer, as SPARQL will not by itself pick out the right relation from its given name.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?quantity ?quantity_label ?default_uom ?default_uom_label {
  ?quantity rdfs:subClassOf lis:PhysicalQuantity ; rdfs:label ?quantity_label .
  ?quantity rdl:PCA_100000510 ?default_uom .  # "default unit of measure"
  ?default_uom a lis:Scale ; rdfs:label ?default_uom_label .
  filter( regex( ?quantity_label, "density" ) || regex( ?quantity_label, "volume" ) )
order by ?quantity_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003570densityrdl:PCA_100003685kilogram per cubic metre
rdl:PCA_100003588magnetic flux densityrdl:PCA_100003723tesla
rdl:PCA_100003605volumerdl:PCA_100003665cubic metre

2.5 Quantities and units – symbols

Many (but not all) quantities and units of measure in the UoM ontology have symbols assigned to them, using the om:symbol annotation property. The following query is an example. Here, we have left out the identifiers from the select list of variables to keep the table tidy.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
PREFIX om: <>
select ?quantity_label ?quantity_symbol ?default_uom_label ?default_uom_symbol {
  ?quantity rdfs:subClassOf lis:PhysicalQuantity ; rdfs:label ?quantity_label ;
    om:symbol ?quantity_symbol .
  ?quantity rdl:PCA_100000510 ?default_uom .  # "default unit of measure"
  ?default_uom a lis:Scale ; rdfs:label ?default_uom_label ;
    om:symbol ?default_uom_symbol
  filter( regex( ?quantity_label, "density" ) || regex( ?quantity_label, "volume" ) )
order by ?quantity_label
limit 5

2.6 Datum types

Each of the quantities (subclasses of lis:PhysicalQuantity) in the UoM ontology is assigned a lis:ScalarQuantityDatum class. Any member of such a datum type will have at least two pointers – to a unit of measure, and to a numeric value. For details, see the more advanced queries below; here, we simply retrieve a list datum classes.

This query is similar to that of section Units of measure – filtering by name above, filtering on the term “electric” (but note that the relation is rdfs:subClassOf, not rdf:type).

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?datum ?datum_label {
  ?datum rdfs:subClassOf lis:ScalarQuantityDatum ; rdfs:label ?datum_label
  filter( regex( ?datum_label, "electric" ))
order by ?datum_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003640electric charge datum
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datum
rdl:PCA_100003628electric potential datum
rdl:PCA_100003629electrical resistance datum

2.7 Datum types and applicable units

Each type of physical quantity datum will in general be related by the applicable unit of measure annotation property to a selection of units. This allows us to extend the previous query with a list of units for each datum type.

The annotation applicable unit of measure is a “convenience” annotation that allows for simple browsing and querying of units as related to quantities. There are also semantic restrictions to validate the correct use of units – for more information, see Advanced SELECT queries: Using ontology restrictions.
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?datum ?datum_label ?applicable_uom ?applicable_uom_label {
  ?datum rdfs:subClassOf lis:ScalarQuantityDatum ; rdfs:label ?datum_label .
  filter( regex( ?datum_label, "electric" ))
  ?datum rdl:PCA_100003769 ?applicable_uom .  # "applicable uom"
  ?applicable_uom rdfs:label ?applicable_uom_label
order by ?datum_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003640electric charge datumrdl:PCA_100003658ampere hour
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003657ampere
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003683kiloampere
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003703milliampere
rdl:PCA_100003628electric potential datumrdl:PCA_100003724volt

2.8 Inline data: explicit lists using SPARQL values

In some cases, you will know precisely which resources you wish to query. The following query illustrates how the SPARQL values syntax allows you to provide an explicit, “inline” list of quantities.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
select ?datum ?datum_label ?applicable_uom ?applicable_uom_label {
  values ?datum { rdl:PCA_100003609 rdl:PCA_100003628 } # electric current datum ; electric potential datum
  ?datum rdfs:label ?datum_label .
  ?datum rdl:PCA_100003769 ?applicable_uom .  # "applicable uom"
  ?applicable_uom rdfs:label ?applicable_uom_label
order by ?datum_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003657ampere
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003683kiloampere
rdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003703milliampere
rdl:PCA_100003628electric potential datumrdl:PCA_100003724volt

3 Advanced SELECT queries: Using ontology restrictions

3.1 Introduction

The PLM-RDL is an OWL 2 ontology, which means that the type of the resources (classes, relations, individuals) it contains has a fixed meaning. The representation of meaning extends to various restrictions on the resources, not just on domain and range of relations, but also to class relationships, which can be quite complex. The restrictions are exploited in automated reasoning; see, e.g., this page for some characteristic examples.

To make full use of the UoM ontology in queries, we need to know how the OWL restrictions between quantities, datum types, and units are represented, and construct our SPARQL queries to match. We are helped by the fact that SPARQL syntax is very close to the common Turtle format for RDF, which is a readily available format for OWL. This section provides some examples.

3.2 Find the permissible units for a quantity

In this example, we select electric current and energy as our quantities of interest, and ask: which units of measure can be meaningfully used to represent values of these quantities?

This query will extend on the simpler approach of Datum types and applicable units, taking the quantity as the point of departure instead of the physical quantity datum type.

To answer this, first observe that we need to follow certain constraints on the resources involved.

Inspect ontology constraints

On the web page of the quantity energy, for example, the section Constraints tells us that this quantity is

qualityQuantifiedAs only energy datum

We can use the web browser and navigate to an item under Metadata for an applicable unit of measure, take for instance the unit joule. On the joule page, we find in the section Context, tab Types, this complex constraint:

inverse datumUOM only energy datum

This means we have a path via semantic constraints from the quantity to the unit of measure.

The query needs two steps,

  • from a quantity, find the datum type permitted for quantifying values
  • from the datum type, find the unit(s) permitted for the datum type

We need to look into the construction of the ontology to understand how the relevant restrictions can be queried.

See the page Query for graph content for instructions on how to inspect the details of resources in the ontology, such as is shown in the Turtle code examples below.

In the ontology, the first restriction we are after, between a quantity and the suitable datum type, is given in an OWL object property restriction. In the ontology source code, it looks like this (Turtle format):

rdl:PCA_100003578 a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label "energy" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
                          # rdl:PCA_100003625 is "energy datum"
                          owl:allValuesFrom  rdl:PCA_100003625 ;
                          owl:onProperty     lis:qualityQuantifiedAs
                        ] .

The second restriction, which says the joule unit may only be used for energy datum, has an “inverse” part which makes it one step more intricate. Note carefully, since a unit is not a class, but an OWL individual, the relation from the unit to the restriction is rdf:type, abbreviated as usual with a.

rdl:PCA_100003681 a owl:NamedIndividual , lis:Scale ;
  a [ a owl:Restriction ;
      owl:allValuesFrom  rdl:PCA_100003625 ;
      owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf  lis:datumUOM ] ] .

Assemble the query

Our SPARQL query will mimic the structure of the code examples above quite literally.

In the query, we apply a values clause listing the resources of interest, as described in the section Inline data: explicit lists using SPARQL values.

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
PREFIX om: <>
select ?quantity ?quantity_label ?datum_type ?datum_type_label ?uom ?uom_label {
  values ?quantity {
    rdl:PCA_100003574 # electric current
    rdl:PCA_100003578 # energy
  ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantity_label ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
                      owl:allValuesFrom  ?datum_type ;
                      owl:onProperty lis:qualityQuantifiedAs ] .
  ?datum_type rdfs:label ?datum_type_label .
  ?uom rdfs:label ?uom_label ;
    a [ a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:allValuesFrom ?datum_type ;
        owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf  lis:datumUOM ] ] .
order by ?quantity_label
limit 5
rdl:PCA_100003574electric currentrdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003657ampere
rdl:PCA_100003574electric currentrdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003703milliampere
rdl:PCA_100003574electric currentrdl:PCA_100003609electric current datumrdl:PCA_100003683kiloampere
rdl:PCA_100003578energyrdl:PCA_100003625energy datumrdl:PCA_100003681joule
rdl:PCA_100003578energyrdl:PCA_100003625energy datumrdl:PCA_100003713newton metre

4 Advanced SELECT queries: Combining PLM-RDL with external resources

4.1 Introduction

Using a SPARQL service clause, we can write a federated query – a query that retrieves data not just from the PLM-RDL endpoint, but also from an “external” endpoint.

In the following sections, we illustrate how this query mechanism allows us to enrich the results of PLM-RDL queries with content from different, complementary sources.

The PLM-RDL UoM module includes cross-references, using the SKOS vocabulary, to external libraries. Primarily, reference is made to two ontologies of units of measure, those of and OM 2. These both provide public SPARQL endpoints that can be put to good use in federated queries.

4.2 Using QUDT to find CDD code and conversion factor

click this button to open the query in PCA Fuseki
A detailed account of how this query is assembled will be added as soon as time permits.
Show the SPARQL query
PREFIX owl:  <>
PREFIX rdf:  <>
PREFIX rdfs:  <>
PREFIX xsd:  <>
PREFIX pca: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX pav: <>
PREFIX om: <>
PREFIX qudt: <>
PREFIX quantitykind: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
select distinct ?quantity_label ?uom_label ?iec61360Code ?conversionMultiplier ?qudt_uom
  values ?quantity_label { "length" }
  ?quantity rdfs:subClassOf lis:PhysicalQuantity ;
  rdfs:label ?quantity_label ;
  rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
                    owl:allValuesFrom  ?datum_type ;
                    owl:onProperty lis:qualityQuantifiedAs ] .
  ?datum_type rdfs:label ?datum_type_label .
  ?uom rdfs:label ?uom_label ;
  a [ a owl:Restriction ;
      owl:allValuesFrom ?datum_type ;
      owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf  lis:datumUOM ] ] .
  optional {
    ?uom skos:exactMatch ?qudt_uom . ?qudt_uom rdfs:isDefinedBy rdl:PCA_100003771 . # QUDT entities
  service <> {
    ?qudt_uom a qudt:Unit .
        optional { ?qudt_uom qudt:iec61360Code ?iec61360Code }
        optional {
          ?qudt_uom #qudt:isScalingOf? ?baseUnit ;
            qudt:conversionMultiplier ?conversionMultiplier .
order by desc (?conversionMultiplier)
lengthfoot (international)0112/2///62720#UAA4400.3048
lengthinch (international)0112/2///62720#UAA5390.0254
lengthfoot pound per pound
lengthmicrometre peak-to-peak

4.3 Using QUDT to find measuring system and CDD identifier

The organization provides an extensive, general ontology of quantities and units of measure. The QUDT ontology provides a range of information that the PLM-RDL UoM module does not aim to cover.

The PLM-RDL quantities and units are provided with pointers to similar resources in QUDT where these have been possible to identify.

The following query retrieves units of measure from an explicit list of names, with their quantity types and symbols. Some of the names will not be found to match any unit in the UoM module, so we use OPTIONAL clauses liberally to show empty cells where there is no information to be found.

A detailed account of how this query is assembled will be added as soon as time permits.
Show the SPARQL query
PREFIX owl:  <>
PREFIX rdf:  <>
PREFIX rdfs:  <>
PREFIX xsd:  <>
PREFIX pca: <>
PREFIX lis: <>
PREFIX rdl:   <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX pav: <>
PREFIX om: <>
PREFIX qudt: <>
PREFIX quantitykind: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
select ?uom ?uom_l ?quantity ?quantity_l ?uom_symbol
(group_concat(?System_l; separator=", ") as ?System_from_QUDT)
(group_concat(?iec61360Code; separator=", ") as ?IEC61360_from_QUDT)
  # sample list of UoM names
  values ?uom_l { "bar absolute" "revolution per minute" "farad" "ampere hour" "piece"
    "kilogram per cubic metre" "pound per cubic foot" "ampere" "kiloampere" "kilonewton"
    "newton" "hertz" "milliampere per bar" "foot (international)" "inch (international)" }
  # put the entire query in "optional" to show the non-matches clearly
  optional { ?uom a lis:Scale ; rdfs:label ?uom_l
  # get symbol and quantity, via datum type
  { optional { ?uom om:symbol ?uom_symbol }
    optional {
    ?uom a [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf lis:datumUOM ] ; owl:allValuesFrom ?datum ] .
    ?datum rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty lis:quantifiesQuality ; owl:allValuesFrom ?quantity ] .
    ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantity_l
  # use QUDT match, where found, to show system and cdd code
  optional {
    ?uom skos:exactMatch ?qudt_uom . ?qudt_uom rdfs:isDefinedBy rdl:PCA_100003771 . # QUDT entities
    optional { service <> {
      optional { ?qudt_uom qudt:iec61360Code ?iec61360Code }
      optional {
        # uncomment if you want all related systems
        # ?unitOfSystem rdfs:subPropertyOf* qudt:unitOfSystem . ?qudt_uom ?unitOfSystem ?System .
        ?qudt_uom qudt:unitOfSystem ?System .
        ?System qudt:abbreviation ?System_l
group by ?uom ?uom_l ?quantity ?quantity_l ?uom_symbol
order by ?uom_l
limit 30
rdl:PCA_100003657ampererdl:PCA_100003574electric currentASI, SI0112/2///62720#UAD717, 0112/2///62720#UAA101
rdl:PCA_100003658ampere hourrdl:PCA_100003573electric chargeA hCGS0112/2///62720#UAA102
rdl:PCA_100003648bar absoluterdl:PCA_100003596pressurebara
rdl:PCA_100003675foot (international)rdl:PCA_100003585lengthftUS Customary, Imperial0112/2///62720#UAA440, 0112/2///62720#UAA440
rdl:PCA_100003680inch (international)rdl:PCA_100003585lengthinUS Customary, Imperial0112/2///62720#UAA539, 0112/2///62720#UAA539
rdl:PCA_100003683kiloampererdl:PCA_100003574electric currentkA0112/2///62720#UAA557
rdl:PCA_100003685kilogram per cubic metrerdl:PCA_100003570densitykg/m30112/2///62720#UAA619
milliampere per bar
pound per cubic foot
rdl:PCA_100003655revolution per minuterdl:PCA_100003580frequencyrpm0112/2///62720#UAB231

4.4 Content from Wikidata

Using the SERVICE keyword, a query that combines PLM RDL data with Wikidata resources is possible. The following table shows formulae that describe a selection of quantities.

To be updated with a full query description.

absorbed dose rateQ69428958L²T⁻³˙D=dDdt
angular accelerationQ186300αT⁻²α=dωdt
angular momentumQ161254LM¹L²T⁻¹L=r×p
apparent powerQ1930258|S_|=UI
arc lengthQ670036L(f)=ba|f(t)| dt
arc lengthQ670036L(f)=lim
areaQ11500AS A = d x d y {\displaystyle A=\iint \mathrm {d} x\mathrm {d} y}
atmospheric pressureQ81809p
capacitanceQ164399CM⁻¹L⁻²T⁴I² C = Q / U {\displaystyle C=Q/U}
catalytic activityQ1735592T⁻¹N¹
catalytic activity concentrationQ69429678
densityQ29539ρρM¹L⁻³ ρ = d m d V {\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {\mathrm {d} m}{\mathrm {d} V}}}
dynamic viscosityQ15152757μM¹L⁻¹T⁻¹ τ x z = η d v x d z
electric chargeQ1111QQT¹I¹ d Q = I d t {\displaystyle \mathrm {d} Q=I\mathrm {d} t}
electric chargeQ1111QqT¹I¹ d Q = I d t {\displaystyle \mathrm {d} Q=I\mathrm {d} t}
electric charge densityQ69425629L⁻³T¹I¹ ρ = d Q d V {\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {\mathrm {d} Q}{\mathrm {d} V}}}
electric currentQ29996II
electric currentQ29996IJ
electric field strengthQ20989EM¹L¹T⁻³I⁻¹ E = F q {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {E}}={\frac {\boldsymbol {F}}{q}}}
electric potentialQ55451VM¹L²T⁻³I⁻¹ g r a d V = E + A t {\displaystyle -\operatorname {\mathbf {grad} } V={\boldsymbol {E}}+{\frac {\partial {\boldsymbol {A}}}{\partial t}}}
electrical resistanceQ25358RRM¹L²T⁻³I⁻² R = u i {\displaystyle R={\frac {u}{i}}}
energy densityQ828402M¹L⁻¹T⁻² U = E / V {\displaystyle U=E/V}
entropyQ5380792SM¹L²T⁻²Θ⁻¹ S = δ Q T {\displaystyle S=\int {\frac {\delta Q}{T}}}
exposureQ271960M⁻¹T¹I¹ H e = E e t {\displaystyle H_{\mathrm {e} }=E_{\mathrm {e} }t}
exposureQ336938M⁻¹T¹I¹ X = d q d m {\displaystyle X={\frac {\mathrm {d} q}{\mathrm {d} m}}}
forceQ11402FFM¹L¹T⁻² F = m a {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {F}}=m{\boldsymbol {a}}}
forceQ11402FFM¹L¹T⁻² F = d p d t {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {F}}={\frac {\mathrm {d} {\boldsymbol {p}}}{\mathrm {d} t}}}
frequencyQ11652fT⁻¹ f = 1 T {\displaystyle f={\frac {1}{T}}}
heat capacityQ179388C_pM¹L²T⁻²Θ⁻¹ C = d Q d T {\displaystyle C={\frac {\mathrm {d} Q}{\mathrm {d} T}}}
heat transfer coefficientQ634340M¹T⁻³Θ⁻¹ K = q Δ T {\displaystyle K={\frac {q}{\Delta T}}}
illuminanceQ194411ΦL⁻²J¹ E v = d Φ v d A {\displaystyle E_{\mathrm {v} }={\frac {\mathrm {d} \Phi _{\mathrm {v} }}{\mathrm {d} A}}}
impulseQ837940I I = t 1 t 2 F d t
kinematic viscosityQ15106259νL²T⁻¹ ν = η / ρ {\displaystyle \nu =\eta /\rho }
linear densityQ516372
linear mass densityQ56298294M¹L⁻¹ ρ l = d m d l {\displaystyle \rho _{l}={\frac {\mathrm {d} m}{\mathrm {d} l}}}
luminanceQ355386LL⁻²J¹ L v = d I v d A 1 cos ( α ) {\displaystyle L_{\mathrm {v} }={\frac {\mathrm {d} I_{\mathrm {v} }}{\mathrm {d} A}}{\frac {1}{\cos(\alpha )}}}
luminous fluxQ107780F Φ v = d Q v d t
magnetic field strengthQ28123 H = B μ 0 M {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {H}}={\frac {\boldsymbol {B}}{\mu _{0}}}-{\boldsymbol {M}}}
magnetic fluxQ177831ΦM¹L²T⁻²I⁻¹ Φ = S B e n d A
magnetic flux densityQ30204BBM¹T⁻²I⁻¹ F = q v × B {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {F}}=q,{\boldsymbol {v}}\times {\boldsymbol {B}}}
magnetic permeabilityQ28352 B = μ H {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {B}}=\mu {\boldsymbol {H}}}
mass flowQ3265048M¹T⁻¹ j m = ρ v {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {j}}_{m}=\rho {\boldsymbol {v}}}
mass ratioQ1563068ζbar
molar energyQ69427512M¹L²T⁻²N⁻¹
molar entropyQ68972876M¹L²T⁻²Θ⁻¹N⁻¹ S m = S / n {\displaystyle S_{\mathrm {m} }=S/n}
molar massQ145623MM¹N⁻¹ M = m / n {\displaystyle M=m/n}
molar volumeQ487112V_mL³N⁻¹ V m = V / n {\displaystyle V_{\mathrm {m} }=V/n}
moment of forceQ17232562MM¹L²T⁻² M = r × F {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {M}}={\boldsymbol {r}}\times {\boldsymbol {F}}}
permittivityQ211569εM⁻¹L⁻³T⁴I² D = ε E {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {D}}=\varepsilon {\boldsymbol {E}}}
powerQ25342PM¹L²T⁻³ P = d E d t {\displaystyle P={\frac {\mathrm {d} E}{\mathrm {d} t}}}
power densityQ3503313
pressureQ39552pM¹L⁻¹T⁻² p = e n F A {\displaystyle p={\frac {{\boldsymbol {e}}_{\mathrm {n} }\cdot {\boldsymbol {F}}}{A}}}
radianceQ1411145LM¹T⁻³ L e = d I e d A 1 cos α {\displaystyle L_{\mathrm {e} }={\frac {\mathrm {d} I_{\mathrm {e} }}{\mathrm {d} A}}{\frac {1}{\cos \alpha }}}
radiant intensityQ1253365IM¹L⁻²T⁻³ I e = d Φ e d Ω {\displaystyle I_{\mathrm {e} }={\frac {\mathrm {d} \Phi _{\mathrm {e} }}{\mathrm {d} \Omega }}}
reactive powerQ2144613 Q = Im S _ {\displaystyle Q=\operatorname {Im} {\underline {S}}}
solid angleQ208476Ω1 Ω = A / r 2 {\displaystyle \Omega =A/r^{2}}
sound pressure levelQ14515278SPLM¹L¹T⁻³I⁻¹ L p = 10 lg p R M S 2 p 0 2 d B {\displaystyle L_{p}=10\lg {\frac {p_{\mathrm {RMS} }^{2}}{p_{0}^{2}}}\mathrm {dB} }
specific absorption rateQ914138
specific energyQ3023293L²T⁻² e = E / m {\displaystyle e=E/m}
specific heat capacityQ487756c_pL²T⁻²Θ⁻¹ c = C m {\displaystyle c={\frac {C}{m}}}
specific weightQ749542 γ = ρ g {\displaystyle \gamma =\rho ,g}
speedQ3711325vL¹T⁻¹ v = s / t {\displaystyle v=s/t}
surface charge densityQ12799324 ρ A = d Q d A {\displaystyle \rho _{A}={\frac {\mathrm {d} Q}{\mathrm {d} A}}}
surface densityQ1907514 ρ A = d m d A {\displaystyle \rho _{A}={\frac {\mathrm {d} m}{\mathrm {d} A}}}
surface tensionQ170749γM¹T⁻² γ = d F d l {\displaystyle \gamma ={\frac {\mathrm {d} F}{\mathrm {d} l}}}
thermal conductivityQ487005κM¹L¹T⁻³Θ⁻¹ q = λ grad ( T ) {\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {q}}=-\lambda \operatorname {grad} (T)}
thermodynamic temperatureQ264647TΘ¹ T = ( U S ) V , N {\displaystyle T=\left({\frac {\partial U}{\partial S}}\right)_{V,N}}
torqueQ48103M¹L²T⁻² T = M e Q {\displaystyle T={\boldsymbol {M}}\cdot {\boldsymbol {e}}_{\mathrm {Q} }}
volumeQ39297VV V = d x d y d z {\displaystyle V=\iiint \mathrm {d} x\mathrm {d} y\mathrm {d} z}
volume ratioQ1647035
wavenumberQ192510σL⁻¹ σ = 1 / λ {\displaystyle \sigma =1/\lambda }